How Augmented Reality Impacts Your Brand Awareness

How Augmented Reality Impacts Your Brand Awareness

Mike Austin
March 5, 2021

Technology has always been marketing’s friend. This is due to a variety of reasons, but if you really have to choose just one, it’s because new tech is always something that people are interested in. It’s something that most of us want to experience as soon as possible; to try the next level of our civilization for ourselves. It is innate to us as curious beings.

Hence, it’s not a big surprise why advancements in augmented reality make waves, nor is it a shock that it is all the rage in marketing. 

What Is Augmented Reality?

But what is an augmented reality (or AR) anyway, and how can it shed new light on your brand? In a nutshell, it is a method that allows us to superimpose a digital reality on the physical reality. Such is the case when we watch shows of projected images.

It could also allow physical reality to enter a digital realm using cameras, like when AR is used in mobile applications to check how a digital object will look in real life. 

The Role of AR in Digital Marketing

As mentioned above, the biggest role that both AR and VR contribute to the marketing industry is the unique experience that both technologies can provide. It also impacts other aspects of marketing, such as advertising and lead generation. 

Quick side note: If you want to make the most of the leads that your AR and other tech-related efforts generate, then we highly recommend including a lead distribution software in your system.

How Augmented Reality Impacts Your Brand Awareness

Of all these different aspects, though, we’d like to focus on how AR impacts brand awareness for the purposes of this article.

It generates buzz

As with everything that’s new, there’s really no way of knowing how your AR efforts are going to play out especially if you have very specific goals. At the very least, though, you can be sure that it will generate interest in your brand. The same goes for virtual reality in marketing.

Please note, though, that this reception won’t last forever. AR is still developing and there is much that is still left to discover. 

However, we can be sure that as time progresses, these technologies will eventually lose their charm. Hence, it would be wise to get on the bandwagon as soon as possible. 

It boosts brand materials’ efficiency

One of the charms of augmented reality is that it removes the limits of printed material. It allows one to create an entirely new “reality”, after all. The possibilities are endless. 

Just think about how much information you can squeeze into an average-sized flyer. Now, consider what you can fit into a barcode that you can print on your business card. You can link it to an entire website. A map. A digital prototype that you can view via a digital device or project outwards. 

We’re also not talking just about the volume of information that you can share, but the quality of its reception.

People are more attentive when exposed to experiences that they are genuinely interested in. This further boosts the efficiency of the brand materials that you put out. It’s quantity and quality in one.

It increases brand reputation

Finally, it paints an amazing image for your brand. Augmented reality tells people that your company is up to date. That it is led by people who have the foresight to recognize the latest technology and how to wield it to their advantage.

It also sends the signal that your brand is interesting; that people should be on the lookout for what you plan to do next. It puts your brand on the radar.

It also tells something about the talent and creativity of the people in your company. If they do something really impressive, then you can hope that it will put your brand in their memories forever. 

Some AR Ideas You Can Try

Don’t know where to start? Here are a couple of great ideas: 

  • You can create a mobile application that allows consumers to try products in advance. Take a look at Ikea’s or L’oreal’s. Ikea’s app allows you to try out their products and see how they will look in your space. Just choose a piece of furniture and position your camera in the physical space where you want to place it. L’oreal works the same way, only this time instead of furniture, you’ll get to see how their makeup products will look on your face. 
  • You can take your customers on a tour. You can project a 3D display of a building or venue. Just imagine the possibilities for architecture, real estate, events organizing, and other industries.

To Sum up

Augmented reality is one of those technologies that we believe will usher in a new era. It is already changing the landscape of marketing, and we believe that it will change it a huge deal more before it slows down. The real question is how you’re going to utilize it to bring your brand the attention that it deserves.

Mike’s Bio
Mike Austin is a marketing and creative content specialist at and working in the Digital Marketing industry since 2009. As a conversion-driven marketer, he is passionate about helping businesses expand their online visibility and reach their goals.

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