How to Retain Traffic by Boosting the Visibility of Your Site’s Content

How to Retain Traffic by Boosting the Visibility of Your Site’s Content

September 28, 2023

You’ve got your website running up, the design is spot-on, and you’ve poured hours into creating epic content. But, every time you check your website analytics, you end up with a frown.

You keep wondering why that compelling article on “The 5 Best Summer Workouts” isn’t getting more hits? Why aren’t visitors clicking on the “Related Articles” section after reading about the “Top 10 Vegan Dessert Recipes” when you’ve worked so hard to publish so many interesting ideas?

You’re not alone in this. Many creators pour their hearts into crafting content, only to scratch their heads when the audience engagement doesn’t match the effort. Visitors just keep bouncing after only a few seconds.

So, how can you retain them to stay longer, explore multiple pages, and have a reason to return? The answer lies in boosting the visibility of your site’s content.

Let’s journey together to uncover strategies that’ll ensure your website’s content doesn’t just look pretty but gets the attention and love it truly deserves.

Create a CTA for Your Prestige Content Pieces

CTAs (calls to action) are powerful, actionable tools that can guide your visitors from a casual read to a more profound engagement with your site.

When you’ve crafted a stellar piece of content – what we’ll call “prestige content” – you don’t want it to be a lone star in the vast cosmos of your website. Linking it to your other high-performing articles ensures that readers stick around for more.

Mastering the art of the CTA for your prestige pieces can transform your site from a series of isolated reads to an interconnected web of value. And when visitors find value, they stick around.

Here’s how to ace this tactic:

  • Pinpoint your prestige content.
    Identify those content pieces that are truly unique, provide immense value, or have been a labor of love. They’re the pillars of your website and deserve to shine brightly.
  • Make your CTA natural.
    The transition from your article to the CTA should feel seamless. It’s like suggesting a delightful dessert after a satisfying main course – both related, but each offering its own flavor.
  • Keep it relevant.
    Ensure the CTA relates directly to the content just consumed. If a reader has just finished an article about the health benefits of vitamins, a CTA about the best vitamin supplements feels relevant and timely.
  • Craft a tempting teaser.
    It’s not just about having a CTA but also about making it irresistible. Use compelling phrases that evoke curiosity or promise additional value.
  • Position wisely.
    While it’s common to see CTAs at the end, don’t shy away from sprinkling them in the middle, especially if it’s a long piece. The key is to strike when the reader’s interest is high.


Eachnight, an online hub for sleeping resources, does this brilliantly. While delving into their intriguing 5 Reasons Coffee Can Make You Sleepy article, readers are presented with a CTA placed in a sticky sidebar. It’s there to nudge them toward Eachnight’s “Best Mattresses” post at all times.

It’s genius, really. After all, when discussing sleep patterns affected by caffeine, what’s more fitting than guiding the reader to explore optimal sleep surfaces? Not only does it feel like a natural progression, but it also capitalizes on the reader’s heightened interest in sleep quality.

By smartly linking related content and presenting it at the right moment, Eachnight ensures readers stay, explore, and, most importantly, find value in the correlation of their content.

Be Bold with Contextual Links

Contextual links, or those internal hyperlinks you embed within your content, are a goldmine that’s often overlooked.

Unlike the more in-your-face CTAs, these links are subtly woven into your article, guiding readers to additional content in an organic manner. Think of them as breadcrumbs leading readers down a trail of discovery, enriching their overall experience on your site.

Below are several ways you can use to craft these links with style:

  • Prioritize relevance.
    Always link to content that amplifies, expands, or offers a different perspective on the current topic. It ensures the reader continues on a cohesive journey.
  • Use natural anchor text.
    Let’s ditch those “click here” phrases. Instead, use relevant keywords or phrases from your content. It feels more organic and can even give an SEO boost.
  • Distribute evenly.
    While it’s tempting to cram as many links as possible, don’t overdo it. Space them out. A good rule of thumb is 2-3 contextual links per 500 words.
  • Highlight high-value content.
    Ensure that the pages you’re directing readers to offer real value. It could be a deep dive, a related listicle, or a how-to guide that further educates your audience.
  • Regularly update links.
    Your content evolves over time, and so should your links. Periodically review and refresh them to ensure they point to your latest and greatest content.


MarketBeat, a go-to platform for stock market enthusiasts, is a master of this craft. Take their “Artificial Intelligence Stocks List” page, for instance. While the tables and charts are a treat for data lovers, it’s the content section at the bottom that takes the cake.

As readers absorb insights on AI stocks, they’re subtly directed to other in-depth resources through contextual links. Whether it’s a deep dive into tech stocks, an explainer on market trends, or a profile of a rising startup, these links ensure that a reader’s journey doesn’t end at one page.

By embedding these links, MarketBeat offers a holistic learning experience and also ensures that readers stay longer, bounce less, and perceive the brand as a comprehensive knowledge hub.

So, next time you’re penning down a piece, think about the web of information you can create. It’s all about offering a roadmap to more insights without making readers feel they’re being hard-sold.

Promote Content on Product Landing Pages

Product landing pages are often viewed as the finish line in the customer journey: a place where visitors take action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up, or downloading.

However, there’s another subtle yet effective strategy to incorporate here – promoting relevant content. This approach serves a dual purpose: it provides additional value to visitors and increases the chances of keeping potential customers on your site, even if they’re not quite ready to take the final leap.

Try the following to nail this tactic:

  • Match content with product relevance.
    The content you promote should directly relate to the product or service on the landing page. It’s about enhancing the user’s understanding or answering any lingering questions they might have.
  • Offer more than sales talk.
    Visitors on a product page have probably already consumed a fair amount of sales content. Offer them informational or educational pieces that provide value beyond just a pitch.
  • Design distinctly.
    While your product information should be the star, the content section should also be noticeable. Use contrasting colors or an attractive layout to draw attention without overshadowing the primary call to action.

  • Track and adjust.
    Monitor how visitors interact with the promoted content. If certain articles aren’t getting clicks, consider swapping them out for more engaging or relevant ones.


Going, a top-tier platform for affordable flight deals, seamlessly integrates this tactic on its Cheap flights page. Just when you think you’ve explored all there is about airfare bargains, towards the bottom, three intriguing articles catch your eye. From “How to Find Cheap Flights” to “The Best Time to Book Flights,”  these pieces offer added value to someone looking for affordable travel.

And here’s the genius part: for users hesitant to book a flight immediately, these articles provide an enticing detour. Instead of hastily exiting the tab, they dive deeper into travel insights, keeping them engaged with Going’s platform.

It’s a smart move. When users stay longer on the site, the brand becomes more credible, and they’re more likely to return and book.

Integrating content on product landing pages is a brilliant strategy to reduce exit rates and elevate the user experience. It’s like saying, “Hey, we’re here to help, whether you’re ready to buy now or just exploring.”

Use the Sidebar for Your Most Popular Content

Sidebars are often the unsung heroes of content strategy. Positioned strategically alongside your main content, they act like signposts guiding readers to other fascinating destinations on your site.

Leveraging this space to highlight your most popular content can significantly enhance user engagement and drive traffic to your best pieces.

Here are some tips to score big on this tactic:

  • Keep it dynamic.
    Rather than a static list, your sidebar should update based on content popularity, ensuring that the most engaging pieces always get top billing.
  • Use catchy thumbnails and titles.
    A compelling image or a catchy headline can be the difference between a user clicking on the link or simply scrolling past.
  • Maintain consistency.
    While the sidebar is a separate entity, its design and layout should be consistent with the rest of your site. This provides a seamless experience for the reader.
  • Limit the choices.
    While it’s tempting to list a plethora of articles, it’s better to curate and showcase a handful. Too many choices can overwhelm the reader.
  • Analyze and implement.
    Use analytics tools to see which sidebar content gets the most clicks. This will give insights into what your audience finds most appealing.


Enter Goby, an innovative electric toothbrush brand. On their “Is There Such a Thing As A Sweet Tooth?” post, while the main content dives into our sugary vices, the sidebar plays a clever game. It subtly introduces readers to their most popular blog posts.

So, why is this a masterstroke?

For starters, a reader intrigued by the science of sweet cravings is likely also interested in other oral health or lifestyle topics. By strategically placing popular articles in the sidebar, Goby ensures that the reader’s journey doesn’t end with just one article.

Furthermore, showcasing popular content builds trust. It tells the reader, “Many others found this valuable. Maybe you will, too!” This not only boosts page views but also enhances brand credibility.

The sidebar strategy is about maximizing engagement opportunities. It caters to curious minds that are hungry for more information, ensuring they stay longer on the site and reinforcing the brand’s position as a thought leader in its niche.

Final Thoughts

Harnessing various strategies to amplify your site’s content reach is essential if you want to make it big.

By effectively utilizing the tactics we’ve talked about above, you’ll be able to retain traffic and offer a richer, more engaging user experience.

At the end of the day, it’s all about guiding your audience to discover more while ensuring they find value at every click.

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