User Interface - Basic Guidelines

User Interface - Basic Guidelines

July 17, 2009
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  1. The web site should load quickly and be easy to scan. These are the essential prerequisites of web designing.
  2. Pay attention to your homepage. That is what the viewers will first see. The home page should be attractive and provide useful information. If it doesn't satisfy the mentioned criteria then the readers will move on.
  3. Logo should be linked with homepage both in front-end and in admin.
  4. Alert messages should be in red color.
  5. Help message should be in black or light gray color.
  6. Within the site, minimum use of icons and maximum use of textual links.
  7. Avoid Pop-Up in the coding, always open in new window or in new tab or use Ajax functionality. Most of user blocked Pop-up messages in the browser. like in Firefox, IE7.
  8. All files naming convention should be relevant and consistent. Like as an eg. about-us.htm, product-details.htm
  9. Call for action should present on every page. It reduces the frequency of exit from the site.
  10. The site should be W3C certified ( Validating web pages is an important step, which helps in improving and ensuring the quality of website. The validated web pages are also load fast and quickly indexed by search engines.
  11. Breadcrumb should be present in inner pages of both front-end and admin site. It is easy to navigate the inter-related interfaces.
  12. Date format & phone number format should be according to the country.
    Date Format USA: MM/DD/YYYY
    Date Format UK : YYYY/MM/DD
    Phone number USA: 111-111-1111
  13. Tabs or links should be highlighted on visiting page.
  14. Mouse over effect should be there on the buttons. It enhances the look of the site from design perspective.
  15. Place “Top” icons or links in bottom of the long content pages to go on top of the page in one click. It saves time in scrolling the page.
  16. Effectively use the page real estate.
  17. Use Ajax for increasing the interactivity on the site.
  18. Organize and divide the primary and secondary links and place in correct position, so that visitors will follow right and correct path.
  19. Avoid broken links. Make sure that they do not occur on your website. Concentrate on the link architecture.
  20. Don't repeat your titles and page headings. Page headings are instrumental in focusing viewer's attention. Using the same headings will make them think that the information being provided is the same. This will decrease viewer retention.
  21. You should make sure that the content and the page headings are grammatically correct. Incorrect grammar and syntax will reflect badly on the web site.
  22. User Interface works consistently. Put your buttons in consistent places on all your windows, use the same wording in labels and messages, and use a consistent color scheme throughout. Consistency in your user interface enables your users to build an accurate mental model of the way it works, and accurate mental models lead to lower training and support costs.
  23. In Admin Area, near the site logo one link should be present i.e. “Preview Site”.
    Admin can check the updations by one click only.
  24. For delete option use trash icon.
    To Activate, Deactivate, Delete huge number of items place checkboxes and select all option.
  25. All the related interfaces should be inter-linked.

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