In the world of Paid Advertising, one cannot ignore the power of organic search results which definitely drives relevant traffic to the website and improves the ranking of your website on Google. SEO plays a great role for websites to attain heights in organic search results. One of the important factors that greatly contribute to this success is the keyword placement on the site. Once you are done with your keyword research and analysis and have decided which keywords you want to add to which page, just go ahead and add relevant keywords on the website.
Here are a few important places on a web page where you can add those keywords:
Keywords should be added in Title Tag of the page:
SEO importance of a Title Tag is very high. Title Tag is equally important for both search engines as well as for the visitors. Search engine algorithms give top preference to the content in the title tags and look for the searched terms within it. At the same time, this title tag is visible to the visitors in search results, which helps them to choose the desired website from the search result. Thus, the title tags should be well written, so as to attract the visitor and should not appear like a mere stuffing of keywords. And yes, most important keywords should be added towards the beginning of the title tag.
Meta Description Tag is the second place where keywords should be added:
Nowadays Meta description tags do not have a huge impact on search engine rankings, however, they are seen by the visitor in their search results and hence carry high importance in driving relevant traffic to the website. It is, therefore, important that the page-relevant keywords are present in the Meta description tag.
Image Name, Alt Text and Title Attribute of an image can also include keywords:
Wherever possible, use keywords relevant to the image and the page content in the image file names and in the Alt text. When using two words in the image name, separate them with a hyphen (-) and NOT an underscore (_) or space. Search engines read hyphens as spaces and cannot understand underscore as a separator of 2 keywords. Similarly, Title Attribute should contain the keywords relevant to the target page.
Headlines and Body Text is another important place to add keywords:
Use the keywords in the headlines, sub-headings and body text of the page. Page content should be re-written if required, to accommodate the main theme keywords. The meaning of the text should be clear and should not look broken due to insertion of keywords.
Is your website missing all these and other on-page SEO parameters, contact us and we will get back to you with a quick SEO analysis for your website.
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